Here we will discuss how to stop being fooled by these claims and be able to have a glowing wrinkle-free skin for ages. But before we get into it, let me assert emphatically that 99% of the products produces by FMCG companies - soaps, creams, lotions, shampoos, etc etc - are absolutely trash. Most of them actually harm the body and skin and the best products therein are at best neutral - they neither do any harm nor benefit. And the percentage of these products are again hardly 1%.
Nature is quite wonderful. If it provided us with so marvelous a system that we call body, there is no reason why it would leave maintenance of this system at mercy of factory outputs of a P&G or Unilever. The fact is that nature has gifted us with all resources within or near us, that can keep us looking youth for ages. Some ancient texts of India state that a human remains youth till 70 years. This implies that it is feasible to have a youthful look and energy at least till 70 years. Let us explore in this series, how!
1: Minimize the use of the trash produced by these MNCs. They actually harm your skin. More you avoid them, better. This one step can iron out a lot of wrinkles that you have currently or are destined for in future. If you follow the tips here, you will no more need them - creams, lotions, moisturizers etc. If you are having dry skin, increase water intake and deep breathing even more. Use these MNC products only in case of emergency. Treat them to be as avoidable as you avoid taking antibiotic pills.
2: Drink a lots of water - neither chilled nor hot. Drinking at least 10-15 glass of water daily will keep your skin hydrated and young. Start the day with 1 liter of lukewarm water. This can cure you of hundreds of health problems. Refer to my post http://agniveer.com/top/energy-health/ for more details. In fact all the tips listed their will keep you youthful forever!
3: Avoid constipation at all costs. And the only way to do it is simple, healthy, nutritious food at regular intervals.
4: Do not starve yourself of sleep. Sleep well and wake early.
5: Have a rigorous workout at least twice a week. It should make you sweat profusely. Now simply massage your body with this sweat that comes out after a rigorous workout. Avoid this for first week of starting a workout schedule. But once you are in habit of working out, start this practice to beat the benefits you derive from the most expensive skin-cream in world! Have a good bath later.
6. Ensure you are breathing deeply whenever you can. We shall discuss art of breathing in a subsequent post. One can avoid even heart disease and diabetes simply by correct breathing! Skin care is no different.
7. Perform ardh-mayurasana once a day in empty stomach. Mayurasan is best but those who do not have sufficient balance can do ardh-mayurasan for a minute. You can learn the technique of Mayurasan from any yoga-instructor on google on it. Ardh-mayurasan differs simply in that you can continue to balance the body with legs on ground yet maintaining the same posture for upper torso.
8. Perform three rounds of Sinhasana or Lion Pose daily once. Again google for variety of videos and pictures on it.
7. Perform sarvangasana at least once in 2 days.
8. Avoid massaging your face for more than once in a quarter. Face is best left alone. Facials etc loosen the skin in long run.
9. Replace soap with multani mitti powder. Just make a paste of multani mitti with water and apply all over the body. Wait for few minutes and then wash. If you feel to uncomfortable, use soap every alternate day and multani mitti rest of the days.
Once a while, you can keep the multani mitti over your body for half an hour and allow it to dry. Now wash it for a fresh toning of skin.
10. Perform three rounds of Bahya Pranayam daily twice. This is sure-shot technique for long life. Learn it in http://agniveer.com/top/energy-health/
11. Keep a flexible body. Join martial arts or a stretching class or do it yourself. More the flexible body, more the youthfulness and less the wrinkles.
12. Peform Yajna at least once a day, even for 15 minutes. The heat of yajna, as well as vapor produced has a therapeutic effect on body. Taking few deep breaths some distance away from Yajna will cleanse your body from a lot of toxins. An elderly gentleman living next door is now 99 years old. He has been performing Yajna since early childhood. But even at this age he has a very tight and glowing skin beating many a middle-aged! Read the Science of Agnihotra for more on benefits of Yajna.
13. Say no to tobacco, alcohol, meat and eggs. They eventually enhance your aging process. Be vegetarian, be healthy, be compassionate and be young!
14. Follow Brahmacharya.
Sex and sexual instincts only speed up the journey to death and old age. Just try being a brahmachari for a month (in thoughts, words and actions) and test the results yourself. Read my other posts in health section to have an idea of what Brahmacharya is. Would write on this topic in further detail later.
Please note that sex is glamorized in today's world only for one reason - sex sells. And what sells does not provide solutions! Had they had any clue of solutions, who would keep using the products! In a way its a sex mafia - cartel of FMCG companies, media, entertainment industry etc - whose benefit lies only in the world running after its shadow.
Truth is that good health, youth, happiness and all is all just besides you. You just need to turn around from the shadow!
Follow these proven tips from ancient rishis and reverse the aging cycle. We shall discuss some more advanced tips subsequently based on readers' response on this article.
No more dull face. No more wrinkles!
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