Just think about the fact that tea or coffee is hardly a century or two old for most parts of the world. Humans had a much tougher life before that and yet never felt need of these stimulants. Please understand that these addictions are merely marketing gimmicks. The commercial mafia thrives and grows only if we are dumb, sick and addicted to them. The marketing frauds will want us to believe in all the rubbish that they produce and would use every moment of our attention to hoodwink us – TV, Newspaper, ads, billboards, music, radio etc etc.
However, here are some excellent tips for you to stay charged throughout the day without taking recourse to these stimulants which only make to addicted and race you faster to old age. They include both do’s and don’ts. Try them at least for 2 weeks and see the change. Use whatever tips you feel is feasible for you right now and share your feedback with us all.
If you find these effective, share the good word around and help others get rid of marketing trap as well.
Some of these tips may sound too simple or insignificant But proof of taste is in its eating. Test out yourself.
- Drink lots and lots of plain water (unless you have a medical condition that prohibits you from it). Make sure water is not chilled and near body temperature. Drink at least 2 liters of water in the day. Avoid water for an hour before and after meals.
- Do not drink water during meals. If you feel dry in throat, you can sip in not more than a quarter glass of water in total.
- Drink one liter of water the first thing in morning. This is separate from the 2 liters you should drink during the day. Drink it before doing for toilet. Resist the urge till you are done with a liter of water.
For better results, you can make water slightly lukewarm. Add a pinch of lemon or honey if it suits you. - Do not drink lots of water in the last hour of your going to bed.
- Just stop watching the idiot box. Its not only idiot but dangerous as well. The less TV you watch more energetic and smarter you would feel. Optimize accordingly.
- Make a rule not to watch TV for at least 2 hours before sleep and 4 hour after waking up. This is worst-case scenario. More you watch TV nearer to your time to bed, closer you approach your agedness. Go to sleep while watching TV only if you hate yourself!
- Even if you have to watch TV, avoid shifting channels. The flicker dumbs mind and increases tiredness.
- Ensure you take frequent breaks from gazing the screen. Do not be glued to the screen.
- Take sufficient sleep
- Do not change sleep timings frequently.
- Do not sleep under high-speed fan. Lower the fan speed
- Avoid sleeping in chilled environment. Fresh air is best. But in case you need to sleep in air-conditioner, set the temperature not below 27-28 degree Celsius.
- Meditate for 10 minutes before sleep. First sit in lotus position and take few deep breaths. Then give yourself positive vibes. Make positive resolutions. Thank God and meditate for a while. We shall discuss the art of meditation in a subsequent post. Then go to sleep.
- Do not sleep straight on back or stomach. Always sleep on one side.
- Do not fold your legs tightly while sleeping. Keep body relaxed and straight.
- Avoid sleeping in the daytime. If you are drowsy or tired, a 20-minute nap after an hour of lunch is sufficient.
- Make a habit of thanking God for another opportunity to make good efforts, the first thing when you wake up.
- Say no to spicy, oily, rotten, dirty food.
- Avoid meat and egg. They are not food for those who seek bliss in life.
- Do not drink cold drinks, packaged drinks, packaged food, bakery products, chocolates and any artificial food, unless its for prevention of death.
- Eat non-spicy, simple, natural nutritious food.
- Make habit of taking few grams of trifala powder daily once with water, either in night or morning
- Eat sprouts every morning in breakfast
- Try sucking a piece of ‘Baal Harad’ (Small Harad) after food. It is a great digestive and reverses ageing process
- Say no to tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, narcotics etc. Your body simply does not need it. In few days, you will realize how much more energetic you actually deserve to be, when you replace these unnecessary stuff with tips listed here and in subsequent postings.
Food is a deep subject. Would write more on it in subsequent posts.
- There is no parallel to Brahmacharya. Put simply, it means avoiding even the thought of lust or sex in any form –subtle or coarse. For the western society, it may seem that this would rob away all happiness from life.
The truth is completely opposite. Only when you stop feeding yourself with junk, can nectar be served to you. The mere practice of trying to control the mind from various attacks of sensuality is an energizing process. There is a saying that its easy to show valour in one-off war. But one who controls his senses for 24 hours, 365 days relentlessly is the true warrior.
Practice Brahmacharya and get following benefits:
- inexhaustible source of energy
- warrior like attitude
- long disease free life
- sense of purpose and direction
- ultimate happiness and bliss
Each of these claims can be tested within merely a month of disciplined practice in this direction. The marketing fraudsters may try to tell you that sex and wine is good. They are not wrong. Its good for them if you are dumb and diseased!
- Keep your spine straight throughout. A stooping posture makes you lose energy
- Do exercise regularly. There are various forms of exercise, and you can choose, mix and match most. We will discuss it in further details in subsequent articles.
- Avoid use of mobile phones, earphones and ipods to extent possible. They are worst drainers of energy these days.
- Avoid listening to noisy music. Spend time listening to music within. More on this later.
- Dream big, plan big and put big efforts. Seek knowledge of life, its purpose, mission, desperately. Nothing is more energizing.
- Smile a lot
- Understand that death is not the end. It’s the beginning. This life is an opportunity to prepare for that beginning.
Do provide feedback after you test these out. Will keep writing more on these aspects in subsequent posts.
Enjoy inexhaustible source of energy every moment of life!
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